Academy for Family Empowerment, Inc. school-based mental health program was created in collaboration with Rockdale County Public School System in 2010. The goal is to provide students with access to school-based counseling services. This program is funded by Medicaid and Rockdale Public School System. Referrals are received from school counselors, social workers, and other school staff. Our program utilizes licensed therapists to provide individual, family and group therapy services within all Rockdale County Public Schools.
Program Goals:
- To offer quality therapeutic services in a safe, familiar and accessibly environment;
- To contribute to improved academic performance;
- To enhance the academic, behavioral, emotional and social wellbeing of all Rockdale County Public School students;
- To provide guidance for appropriate behavior, social, and emotional well-being;
- To expand access to health care;
- To expand referrals to community resources.
- Individual Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Group Therapy